This website, by David and Sue Richardson, is a good source of information about the people of Karakalpakstan, especially on textiles, national clothing, and yurts. The page appears to have been last updated in 2012.
A tiny shrimp is a lifeline for communities by the Aral Sea
This article, by Beyond Catastrophe’s Saxon Bosworth, provides an overview of brine shrimp or artemia in the West Aral and highlights the importance of this tiny creature for local livelihoods, aquaculture, and perhaps even as a food source.
Report: The Value of Landscape Restoration in Uzbekistan to Reduce Sand and Dust Storms from the Aral Seabed
Abstract: Central Asia experiences frequent sand and dust storms (SDS), which have been made worse by human activity. The main objective of this study is to provide an economic analysis of the benefits of afforestation of the former Aral Seabed in Uzbekistan. The objective of this study is to estimate economic benefits attributed to afforestation…
Socio-economic features of improvements for nosogeographical situation Republic of Karakalpakistan
This resource is the extended abstract for Dr. Izimbet Turdimambetov’s doctoral dissertation which summarizes his extensive work on the medical and health situation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The graph to the left, from his dissertation, shows the distribution of health challenges in Karakalpakstan as of 2014.
Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region: Sea Changes
Abstract: The Aral Sea is well known for its devastating regression over the second half of the twentieth century, and for its recent partial restoration. Environment and Post-Soviet Transformation in Kazakhstan’s Aral Sea Region is the first book to explore what these monumental changes have meant to those living on the sea’s shores. Following the…
Flora and Fauna around Touristic Sights in Khorezm and Karakalpakstan
Much of the content for our Encyclopedia of Life came from this publication produced by the “Sustainable Economic Development in Selected Regions of Uzbekistan” project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Caspian tiger hunters: a lieutenant’s 1894 diary
A NOTE FROM THE TEAM: The Caspian tiger was assessed as extinct in 2003. The following text is an 1894 excerpt from Lieutenant Kolushev’s diary. The extract documents a tiger hunting mission in Karakalpakstan. This source was sent to us by a local Karakalpak resident. For more information on the Caspian tiger and this active…
Story test
This will be a story
Video: Aral: is there life after death?
This video explores the ways that the drying of the Aral Sea has created a new desert habitat and how ecologists can learn from this process. Have a look at some of the creatures in the Encyclopedia of Life. Russian with English subtitles [Warning: contains unsettling images and offensive language].
Journal article: ‘Water Is Life’-Farmer R in Khorezm, Uzbekistan: A Lifeworld Analysis
Abstract: Khorezm Province is located in the Amu Darya lowlands ofUzbekistan, where unsustainable use of irrigation water has led to the Aral Sea crisis. This study deals with the question of how farmers in Khorezm perceive water and its management and how this facilitates or prevents water conservation, or “water saving,” in irrigated agriculture. To…
Website: Three River Stories
This website shares stories from the Syr Daryo and Naryn rivers at five different sites from three different perspectives (human, non-human, and alternative). A group of researchers studied transboundary water issues in the Aral Sea basin for four years and then created this amazing digital exhibition. “The stories of how humans and other beings like…
Conference paper: Incorporating Environmental Flows into Water Management in the Amudarya River Delta
“The goal of the presented work is to assess the vulnerability of the ecosystems of the Amudarya river delta and determine the flow regimes needed to maintain the provision of valuable ecosystem services. We identify several water management options to satisfy ecosystem water requirements within the water limits of the delta region and give an…
Journal article: The Benefits of Marginality: The Great Famine around the Aral Sea, 1930-1934
Abstract: Based on research in Kazakhstani and Russian archives, this article is a regional study of the 1931–1933 Soviet famine. It compares Soviet policies in the southern and northern “halves” of the Aral Sea region. While the Kazaks in the northern part of the region suffered from the famine, the Karakalpaks in the south did…
Book: Monitoring the Dried Seabed of the Aral Sea
This book contains the results of monitoring expeditions in fall 2019 and spring 2020, and compares these data to monitoring data that has been collected in the Aral Sea region since 1994. Areas covered include soil, hydrogeology and vegetation of the dried seabed.
Journal article: The Fluctuating Aral Sea: A Multidisciplinary-Based History of the Last Two Thousand Years
Abstract: The Aral Sea (an intracontinental saline lake in western Central Asia) is of great interest because of its rapid shrinkage during the last 50 years, which caused catastrophic environmental and socio-economic consequences for the region and its population. Geoscientists established the existence of similar multiple fast and deep lake level fluctuations in the past;…
Book: Pipe Dreams: Water and Empire in Central Asia’s Aral Sea Basin
Abstract: The drying up of the Aral Sea – a major environmental catastrophe of the late twentieth century – is deeply rooted in the dreams of the irrigation age of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a time when engineers, scientists, politicians, and entrepreneurs around the world united in the belief that universal scientific…
Journal article: Canals, Cotton, and the Limits of de-Colonization in Soviet Uzbekistan, 1924–1941
Abstract: Why were cotton monoculture and megalomaniac irrigation projects the outcome of the Soviet modernization policies in Uzbekistan? How were economic development and nationality policy related? Which results did policy implementation produce on the ground and within the Uzbek ruling elite? The article argues that these questions can be seen in a new light when…