Welcome to the Contribute page. We are very excited you are interested in helping us expand and improve Seeing Beyond Catastrophe. Below please find the different ways anyone can contribute. If you have any questions or ideas for the website please feel free to contact us.
Content creation
Have a resource or story that you want to share? Maybe more than one? We can’t wait to read what you share!
It takes two steps: Please register for our website and then send us an email introducing yourself and informing us that you want to contribute content. We will change your user settings so that you can add stories and/or resources to the website. You will receive a handy step-by-step guide about how to add content. Our core team will review all content before final publication.
Are you fluent in two or more of the languages we use on this website? Would you like to help make this content accessible to a wider group? Great! Классно! Yaxshi! Jaqsı! We would love your support in translating our content. This can be great experience to share on your CV as well.
First, please register for our website. Then send us an email letting us know that you want to help translate. We will change your user settings so that you can upload translations. We will also send you a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process of adding translations to the website.
It is important to us that Seeing Beyond Catastrophe content is available in the relevant languages and we especially need more help with translations to Uzbek and Karakalpak.
Web design
Do you have web design or coding skills? Do you have ideas on how we can make this website look nicer or function better? Thanks so much! Please send us an email letting us know that you want to help with web design. We will set up a time to chat about your ideas and go from there!
Forum participation
The forum is a place where all interested people can discuss collaborations, recommend places, things and organizations of interest in the Aral Sea region, ask questions, and more
Tell your friends
Love this site but do not have time to contribute? Please tell your friends about the site and follow us and tag us on social media!