Shared by: Kate Shields / Date: 2021-10-03 08:17:23 / Resources / Pillars:
Original source: Schlüter, Maja, G Khasankhanova, U Abdullaev, V Talskikh, I Joldasova, T Khamzina, R Ibragimov, and C Pahl. 2007. “Incorporating Environmental Flows into Water Management in the Amudarya River Delta.” International Conference on Adaptive & Integrated Water Management: Coping with Complexity and Uncertainty. Basel, Switzerland.

“The goal of the presented work is to assess the vulnerability of the ecosystems of the Amudarya river delta and determine the flow regimes needed to maintain the provision of valuable ecosystem services. We identify several water management options to satisfy ecosystem water requirements within the water limits of the delta region and give an outlook to the institutional measures and process needed to incorporate those flows into current water management.”